Crossing the Blues


Name: Li Yufen 李毓芬
English name: Tia Li
Date of birth: May 11, 1985
Place of birth: Taiwan
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Measurements: 32C / 23 / 35
Horoscope: Taurus
Profession: Model
About: Tia Li Yufen (李毓芬) or originally known as Li Xinle (李心乐), is a popular model from Taiwan that is often referred to as the Little Vivian Hsu (徐若瑄) due to her strong resemblance. Tia started modeling at the age of 16 but only in the recent 2 years, Tia's popularity has quickly increased after she was rumored to have a close relationship with superstar Show Luo (罗志祥) ever since they worked together in a TVC. Tia was also rumored to have plastic surgery before, let's see how she looked like before...


近日Tia為內衣品牌擔任代言人,火辣廣告掀起熱話,對於新廣告她直言拍攝過程一點也不好受,她說:「廣告商花了五位數字搭建人造沙漠,我只穿上內衣不停 在沙地上來回翻滾,過程更長達二十多個小時!因為我的皮膚很薄,所以在沙上滾動的時候,我全身的皮膚都被沙子磨得很痛,拍完之後我全身的皮膚都紅紅的。」 幸好拍攝出來的效果很好,Tia非常滿意,她認為這輯廣告更勝之前所拍的一輯。